Tuesday 9 December 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - The Final Judgment Draws Near

"When Kor created my people, he told us he would select one of us to usher in the golden age of the dark elves. His chosen champion would be imbued with the power of the void, commanding a mastery of the darkest magics. As time dragged on, we awaited Kor's choice to be made. Thousands of years would come to pass but finally, the Dark Lord returned to our world. I, Kalrener was chosen to become the Archon, darkness incarnate. As Archon, I would spend the remainder of my days in a state of comatose, readying a spell that would darken Vaeldrin, and bring glory and honour to the dark elves. I was made a god in the eyes of my people, and I wielded power comparable to the Divines themselves. I am old now, an ancient being of unfathomable power. The hour draws near, and the final judgement of Vaeldrin approaches. The Romulan Empire will crumble beneath my fist, and the giants will be swept aside like flies. The orcs will drown in the sands of Orkenen, and the dwarves will be crushed beneath their mountain kingdoms. Kor's reckoning will be dealt by my hand once my spell of cataclysmic power is complete."

- Kalrener, Archon of the Korrivar

I'm continuing to build the mythology surrounding Vaeldrin, and once that is done, I will be able to finish the first book.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Argunheim, Capital City of the Northern Giants

The glorious capital city of the northern giants sits atop the largest hill in the Bromon Tundra. To the south are the great snow-covered fields of the tundra, and to the north are the glacial mountains and caves known as the Northern Wastes. In the year 846 of the Dawn Age, the roaming clans of the northern giants realized that fighting the human tribes of the south would never prove fruitful unless they fought together. Victory through unity was necessary. This would become a proverb to the giants of later ages. In a meeting of the various clans atop Argun, the highest point in the Bromon Tundra, the giants discussed various deals and formed alliances with one another. A trade hub and military fortress was agreed to be built by all clans. Upon the very point of this meeting was Argunheim built; The home of Argun. The capital city grew into a prosperous centre of giant society. They built up a united military force for their war with the humans and to fend off the dark elf raids that became the norm. As time went on, Argunheim and the giants grew more warlike and brutal, a far cry from the shamanistic society they once were. Clan Orken, once the spiritual leaders of the giants were pushed aside and replaced by the Berserkers as second to the high king. Their concerns were brought to High King Tormund. Tormund informed them that their world was changing and they were no longer relevant the the people. The shamans of Orken chose exile rather than be a part of the society of blood that was being shaped. They fled to the dry and barren continent that would later be called Orkenen, after Clan Orken. With all notions of peace driven out of Argunheim, the city became a glimmering beacon of war in the north, and the centre of the most vicious and brutal people in the world, the giants.

Monday 27 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - The Siege of Rom

A time came when the need of man was dire. The most grim moment in the history of mankind was the Siege of Rom. The Bulwark, the great gates of the wall humanity built to keep threats out of the Summerland, was smashed by the giants, and now controlled by them. The full force of Argunheim was thrown at the guards on the wall and they could do nothing to stop it. Commanded by Thane Ymir, the giants launched a full scale assault on the Romulan Empire. The giants washed over the Summerlands like a plague, slaughtering soldiers and civilians alike. It was the largest blow dealt to the humans by the giants in the history of the Great War. The giants had seen their opportunity for attack after the October Massacre on Spellblade Square where Andreas had ordered the deaths of hundreds of protesters. The integrity of the largest nation of man was shaky and ready to be broken. Riots took place on the streets of Rom and the weary armies of man were without the spellblades for a time for they were forced to quell the uprisings. That was when the giants attacked in full force, locking Rom down in a full siege. Berserkers climbed the magical chains anchoring the city to the ground. The Romulan forces faught valiantly, but they knew they would not succeed. Families huddled in their homes, praying to Rosan the Lost for a sign. Soldiers began fleeing from the walls to the centre of the city. Andreas knew that his rule may be ending and so ensured his airship would be ready to leave and spare his life.
The final salvation of Rom came at the hands of the children of Kor. In the absence of the majority of Argunheim’s forces, the dark elves had launched a massive invasion of the lands of the giants. When Thane Ymir, commander of the siege of Rom, got word of this, he ordered his troops to fall back and defend their homeland. They would finish Rom later. As they left, Andreas led a vicious counterattack on the legions of Argunheim. The giants, not expecting the humans to have any fire left in them, were forced to retreat. The giants were pushed back north to the Bromon Tundra and further towards their home. The giants now had no presence in the Summerlands and so Andreas ordered that the Bulwark be fortified even greater than before. He ordered the complete militarization of the empire, a thing that had not been done in over a hundred years. More soldiers, archers and even Andreas’ own spellblades were placed on the wall to guard the Summerlands from another giant attack. Andreas used the siege of his city as justification for his tyrannical rule, and no one argued for they had seen what times of peace and demilitarization could conjure up. More upstart mages, seething with patriotism, joined Andreas’ cause bolstering the ranks of the spellblades further until they were the most powerful organization in the empire. They had more sway than the legion or even the ranger corps. Though the Siege of Rom dealt a massive blow to the Romulan Empire, it gave Andreas more control of his kingdom in the end.

Friday 24 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Eternals

Eternals are the most powerful beings. They existed before the physical plane became a reality. Vaeldrin and Kor were the first eternals and they represented light and shadow before any others were created. In time there came to be many eternals that resided in the realms of Kor and Vaeldrin. The beings of light, known to the mortal races as angels, came to reside in Vaeldrin’s realm of light. They guard it and maintain it in the name of their lord. The darker spirits that called Shadow their home came to be known as demons. The demon lords commit heinous atrocities and relish in tormenting the mortal races at every turn. Many eternals exist inside the mortal races. Both Vaeldrin and Kor, though unable to create, inadvertently did create races by altering already existing species. Vaeldrin placed angel souls into humans which created the Aelvar, or light elves. Kor blackened the hearts of many other races with demon souls to create the dark elves and the aardonyx from humans and giants. Some eternals came to live within the realms of Ghror and Rosan. The beings that inhabited Ghror’s lands came to be know as The Smiths, and they aided Ghror in the forging and building of the earth and the larger beings. Archivists were the spirits that resided in Rosan’s realm and they helped create the easily altered human race, and filled the world with knowledge. The eternals are tireless guardians of the master they serve and continue to serve a cause whether it be good or evil.

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Cities - Rom, Capital of the Romulan Empire of Man

It was not until the Age of Building that the roaming human tribes of the Summerlands came together to build their city. By the third age of the world, humans had mastered magic and were now building their skills in stoneworking. They began construction of Rom in the 17th year of the Age of Building. By AoB-32, Construction had neared completion, and Rom had become a sight worthy of the great wonders of the world. Still vulnerable, the human tribes began construction of the wall that would surround the city. It was then that the giants of Argunheim saw their window to attack the humans that had been their ancient enemies since the Dawn Age. The giant legions marched south to attack Rom before the wall could be completed. A great battle was fought on the outskirts of the city between giants and men. The giants wished to put a swift end to the society mankind was about to create. There was a mighty hero who rose up to lead the Romulans to victory. His name was Imran Spellblade. House Spellblade had been the mightiest of the human tribes and their leader was no different. A competent battlemage, Imran led the Romulan legions in a final stand, cutting swathes through the giants and blasting still more with destructive spells. He wielded the mighty greatsword Firereaver, gifted to his house by the dwarven smiths of the Dawn Age. The humans narrowly routed Argunheim’s forces in a terrible and bloody battle. Both sides lost much that day. The giants returned to the north broken and beaten. It was then that Imran commanded that Rom be lifted into the sky, for the giants possessed no technology to give them dominion over the air. The mages constructed Chains that would act as anchors to bind the city to the ground while levitating above it. With the full might of the human wizards, Rom was lifted into the air with many spells, and their it sits to this day, a bastion of humanity and the capital of the Romulan Empire. House Spellblade became the ruling house and every Romulan Emperor has been of this dynasty. The current emperor of Rom is Andreas Spellblade, current wielder of Firereaver and creator of the Spellblade Corp, a policing force that has made Rom his in every way. Rom is now underneath Andreas’ dictatorial rule.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - The Onokhanis of Orkenen

In the Dawn Age, Jordenn the Geomancer was given dominion over the earth. The ground and all who walked upon it paid tribute to him. But there were yet still places that he dared not tread. The eastern lands of Orkenen bore deep valleys and great mountain chains but most of the continent was covered in great sandy dunes. The Orkenen Deserts stretch out for miles across the northern half of the landmass. The soft and grainy sands there did not fall under Jordenn’s domain and he could not manipulate the earth there like he could elsewhere. Great sand spirits took refuge there where they could plot against Jordenn and the rest of the earth. The Sand Lords were dark and malevolent, wishing only for the chaos of dust storms to ravage the entire world.
In the beginning of the Age of Forging, a great exodus of giants struck out to the east hoping to find new lands to settle in away from the war with the humans of Rom. What they found were the great deserts where none dared to tread. The solitude of the land fit this group of giants well and so they build the great city of Onok, which when translated from this particular dialect of the Old Tongue, literally meant desert in the common language. It was then that the sand spirits saw these giants as tools for their will. They appeared to the king of Onok as great gods of the desert. They offered to bestow upon his people the strength and power of the sands, and the ability to conquer the world as agents of the dunes. These giants longed to destroy their northern brethren who cast them out in decades passed so they accepted the offer. The Sand Lords then performed their side of the deal and transformed the giants into beings of greater strength but at the cost of their freedom and heritage. They were turned into the Onokhanis, which means sons of the desert in their language.

The Onokhanis, or orcs as they are referred to by the humans of Rom, have become great sea raiders and patrollers of the deserts on Orkenen. They frequently clash with the humans of Harkon in the south, and raid and pillage seaports belonging to Rom, Argunheim, and Koroth with their massive fleet of longships. Their hatred for the other mortal races knows no bounds, and their dark masters will not rest until The Geomancer is their servant.

Vaeldrin's Mark - The 13 Day War

What may have been the shortest war in the worlds history, the 13 Day War was yet still, one of the bloodiest. The Korrivar felt that they were deserving of more holdings on The Continent. The peninsula of Koroth was their only significant piece of land. They felt strong enough to expand, and to expand meant cutting a bloody swath through the kingdom of Argunheim, homeland of the giants. The elves began building their army of footsoldiers, Darkrider battlemages, and Necromancers. They knew that they would not be able to win with brute force so they sought to win with sheer numbers and magical affinity. The time did eventually come when they thought they were ready to face the mighty giants on the field of battle. The element of surprise lay on the side of the elves for the majority of Argunheim’s forces were in the south laying siege to Rom, Capital of the Romulan Empire. The elven legions then rode forth on what was to be their greatest triumph over the great giants of the north. The war began with the Siege of Argunheim, a bloody and horrendous time for both sides. The siege lasted ten days, the giants never letting any elven forces inside the walls of their fortress city. With Thane Ymir in the south leading the Siege of Rom, the defence was left to High King Asmund and Bjorn the Raider, son of Ymir. Despite great efforts from the giants, the dark elves were slowly breaking through. Though the giants are an honourable race, they are not above deceit in times of darkness. Asmund ordered the gates to be opened. General Tolvir, High Commander of the elven legions took this as a surrender, and rode out to meet Asmund at the gates. This is what the giants wanted. Wartusk riders emerged from the gates, led by their king, for one last push into enemy forces. This fatally surprised the elves and they were forced to fall back. In a two pronged onslaught, Bjorn commanded the archers atop the walls, wielding crossbows the size of ballistas to rain down bolt storms upon the elves. While Bjorn was left to guard the city, Asmund led the wartusks all the way to Koroth, cutting down all elves in their path. The war was quickly turned around when the giants broke down Kor’s Wall in their seething anger and swiftly put an end to the elven uprising. Koroth, a broken and shattered kingdom, now is a client state to Argunheim. The giants hold a fortified embassy to watch over the Korrivar and ensure they never try to invade giant lands again.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Liches

Liches - Human magicians that transformed themselves into the necromantic liches.

About 20 years prior to the Marked Ones events, Emperor Andreas commissioned a group of mages from The Guild to conduct experiments on ancient Korrivar tablets. Andreas, in his lust for more power, wished to master the dark arts of necromancy just as the elves had in ages past. Unbeknownst to the researchers, the dark elves had entrapped demon souls in the tablets so that any who tried to unlock their terrible power would be cursed. The demons trapped within saw a chance to free themselves from the prison and use these wizards as pawns to see their dark master’s will be done. They slowly fed upon the minds of the wizards, and little by little, they became theirs. The demons finally had the leverage to escape. They pulled themselves out and attached themselves to the souls of the mages. The magicians were transformed into the soulless liches, masters of necromancy, but not retaining their humanity. They began slaughtering people in Rom and reanimating them as undead soldiers for their army. Andreas’ spellblades were able to fend them off but Rom had been nearly destroyed by the end of the fight. The liches fled to the arctic reaches of the continent where they raised their kingdom of Drak Gul. Now they gather the corpses of fallen warriors to bolster their ever growing army of the undead.

Monday 20 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Ursine

Ursine - Creations of Urgoth, The Woodland Juggernaut

The bear men were created, much like their lycan cousins, from the bite of a woodland lord. Urgoth wanted his followers to be like him and so turned them into Ursine, giant men capable of transforming into bears in the darkness of night. They pride themselves in hunting down lycans and tearing them apart. They are much larger and stronger than lycans, but lack the speed and agility of the wolf men. While lycans have some contact with the Korrivar and the giants, Ursine are completely solitary, wishing to have no communication with the other mortal races.

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Lycans

Lycans - Created by Ulfr, The Ghost Wolf.

They are the mortal followers of the Ghost Wolf in the Dawn Age. They wished to become like him and hunt in the wilds for all time. Against Rosan’s orders, Ulfr added yet another race to Vaeldrin: The Lycans. They are large and agile men that live in the wilds to hunt. At night, they can take the form of the wolf. Throughout the world’s history, the Lycans have fought against their cousins the Ursine, or the bear men. In the woods, during the blackness of night, they fight for control of the forests. They hate each other with all passion. The stalkers of the night rule the woods of The Continent.

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Aelvar (Light Elves)

Aelvar (Light Elves) - Vaeldrin chose many humans to be his ambassadors to his world and infused them with his light.

They were Vaeldrin’s one work of divine intervention on his physical body. They were his answer to Kor’s dark elves. They are few in number but have powers none could imagine. In the Dawn Age, after The Dark Lord had left his twisted mark on the scarred world, Vaeldrin chose a group of humans to serve as his representatives to the world. He infused them with his powers, transforming them into the angelic Light Elves. He then selected the southern continent to be their home and kingdom. It would be called Balion, and the elves would raise their wondrous city their, a true paradise. They now watch over Vaeldrin alongside the Eternal Watchers Vaeldrin sent from his realm. They wait for the Marked Ones Prophecy to pass, then they will reveal themselves to the rest of the world.

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Dwarves (Earth Elves)

Jorvar (Dwarves or Earth Elves) Created by Ghror, The Artificer.

The reclusive dwarves were created by Ghror to be the master craftsman and traders of Vaeldrin. However, the Earth Elves mostly kept to themselves in the Dawn Age. They carved out their mountain kingdoms and created a network of tunnels spanning the whole Continent. The dwarves created weapons, armor, and tools the like of which no one else could replicate. They mastered the art of spellforging, granted to them by Ghror. They possessed the ability to infuse their weapons with magic. The blade wielded by all of the human emperors including Andreas was of dwarven make. When the war between giants and men reached the dwarven capital of Jorheim. Jorheim lay in a valley east of Rom. The giant armada crossed the Lost Bay to lay siege to Rom from the east. The humans rode to meet them and on the slopes of the dwarven valleys they fought. Both factions reached out to the dwarves for aid in the region. The dwarves were enraged by these acts. They dared to fight in their lands and now they requested aid. The dwarves answered by closing their gates and cutting off all communication with the world. By the events of the Marked Ones Prophecy, no one has seen the Earth Elves for centuries.

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Korrivar (Dark Elves)

Korrivar (Dark Elves) - Mutated abominations created by Kor, the Lord of Shadow

Kor wished to leave his mark on the face of Vaeldrin. He placed his hand on the fledgling world and stole away thousands of beings from eternals to the mortal races. The humans that he took were infused with the souls of demons which transformed them into the Korrivar, or Dark Elves. The Dark Lord cast them back into their homeworld where they gathered, a new race on the planet. In the northeastern lands of the Continent, they raised the realm of Koroth, or Kor’s land in the demon tongue which the Dark Elves speak fluently. While not inherently evil like their dark master, the elves practice dark warlock magic as well as necromancy. Kor gifted them them with the mastery of evil magic unlike the other races. Korrivar raids are common on giant lands whom they have fought in the north east for generations. 10 years before the events of the Marked Ones Prophecy, the elves marched on Argunheim with full force. The elven host was subsequently smashed in the fields around the city by giant forces. The giants then launched a vicious counterattack destroying much of the defences around Koroth. The dark elves lands now pay homage to Argunheim and have become a subservient state to the larger nation.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Giants

Giants - Creations of Ghror, The Artificer.

At the beginning of the world, Ghror infused his traits into beings he crafted in his great forges. They were his pride and his love. The giants embody everything their lord represents: strength, unity, the love of creating things, and loyalty. The giants are by far the largest race on Vaeldrin, and therefore the most feared in war. Every male giant learns the art of warfare from their father and how to defend their lands from invaders. Some are even taken in by the High King to train as Berserkers, the elite fighters of giant society. Berserkers are expert woodsman as well as warriors. They wield throwing axes, battleaxes, and greatswords. They thrive in battle, whirling about the field, relying heavily on their size and weapons rather than skill and finesse. The giants gathered on the border between the Broman Tundra and the Northern Wastes to build their society around a capital city. Argunheim arose in those days, the glorious capital of the northern giants. A warforged city that raised the mightiest heroes of old. During the events of the Marked Ones Prophecy, the current High King of the giants is King Asmund. They now prepare for a war with the lich council in the wake of their campaign against the dark elves to the northeast. They have made a temporary pact with the humans to destroy the undead in the far north.

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Humans

Humans - Creations of Rosan, The Scholar.

In the early days of the world, the humans were created by the Lord of Knowledge. Rosan gifted them with magic capable of giving them technological advantages over the other mortal races. What they lacked in size and physical strength, they made up for with magic affinity and skill in both bladesmanship and archery. The bulk of humanity settled in what is known now as the Summerland, a kingdom of green pastures and welcoming woodlands. The human mages and architects began construction of a glorious city that would float above the ground on anchors created by magic infused iron chains. They called the city Rom and it would serve as the capital of humanity’s empires for ages to come. Since the Dawn Age, they have fought tooth and nail with the giants of the northern wastes. The war has claimed thousands of lives and created thousands more heroes on both sides. During the events of the Marked Ones Prophecy, humans were ruled by Emperor Andreas from his seat in Rom. His legions defends humanity’s interests and his Spellblade Corp defend his personal interests. Humans have served as the template from which all of elvenkind was created save for the dwarves.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark - Elemental Lords - Vindenn, The Aeromancer

Vindenn, The Aeromancer

  • goddess of the wind and sky
  • she was created by Rosan to govern the element of air and to safeguard all who traverse through the winds, including helping to keep the human kingdoms afloat in the clouds

Vaeldrin's Mark - Elemental Lords - Jordenn, The Geomancer

Jordenn, The Geomancer
  • god of the earth and the deep places
  • he was created by Ghror to govern the element of earth, and to keep the earth bound together and the ground from giving way.

Vaeldrin's Mark - Elemental Lords - Vann, The Hydromancer

Vann, The Hydromancer

  • goddess of water and mist
  • she was created by Rosan to govern the element of water and to aid the humans in the spells of frost and water

Vaeldrin's Mark - Elemental Lords - Brann, The Pyromancer

Brann, The Pyromancer

  • god of fire and ash
  • he was created by Ghror to govern the element of fire and to light the forges of the dwarves and create the weapons of the giants 

Saturday 11 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark - Vaeldric Pantheon - Lore Spotlight - Urgoth, The Woodland Juggernaut

Urgoth, The Woodland Juggernaut
  • co-god of the wild alongside his enemy Ulfr
  • Patron of the Ursine
  • Created by Ghror to be the strength and armor of the wild, as well as one of it’s guardians

When Ghror moved to defend their wildlands beside Rosan, he poured his strength into a being that would mangle and maul any who thought to corrupt the forests of Vaeldrin. Urgoth, the great bear was created for this purpose. He too wished to have his own race and he created the Ursine, the bear men. Ghror, like Rosan with Ulfr, was displeased with Urgoth and cursed the Ursine to forever hate all living things. Their brutal society would cave in on itself constantly, and the Secret War between the lycans and the ursine would drag on in the deep forests for the rest of time. Urgoth wanders the wilds of the southern woods, forever hunting Ulfr. Some say they will someday find each other and do battle to decide the fate of the lycans and ursine.

Vaeldrin's Mark - Vaeldric Pantheon - Lore Spotlight - Ulfr, The Ghost Wolf

Ulfr, The Ghost Wolf
  • co-god of the wild alongside his enemy Urgoth
  • patron of the lycans
  • Created by Rosan to be the agility and speed of the wild, as well as one of it’s guardians.

After Ulfr had been created, The Ghost Wolf was let loose on the world to protect and watch over the wilds. Ulfr saw what his master had done with the humans and so he wished to have his own people. Ulfr approached a small colony of humans and made contact with them. He offered the gift of unparallelled strength and unmatched speed. Some humans chose to forsake Rosan and instead follow Ulfr. Ulfr then, one by one, bit the flesh ofall of his companions and they gained the ability to take on the form of the wolf. Thus, the first lycans were born, neither man nor wolf. Rosan saw what Ulfr had done, and so he punished him. Rosan cursed the lycans and for the rest of time they would be hunted by the other mortal races, and shunned as beasts from the majority of society. They would roam the wilds never resting. Some say Ulfr still roams the northern woods, a white dire wolf, poised to kill all who draw near. He has grown to hate Rosan, and has become an evil and broken shell of his former self. He guards the woods from those who would harm them, but those who would enjoy them as well.

Friday 10 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark - Vaeldric Pantheon - Lore Spotlight - Kor, The Lord of Shadow

Kor, The Lord of Shadow
  • god of darkness, and malice
  • goes by many names: The Faceless One, The Lord of Shadow, The Dark Lord, The Eater of Dreams, and The Soul Devourer
  • brother to Vaeldrin and uncle to Vaeldrin's sons
  • Patron of the Dark Elves, and all who practice demon magic

Kor existed at the beginning, whenever that was. Him and his brother circled each other across the void, maintaining the balance between good and evil. Kor, unlike his brother, developed the ability to create over time. He began raising armies of demons in his black realm, and wished to conquer the void and end his brother once and for all. Kor is nothing but pure and sinister evil. He wishes the be the only entity in the universe by destroying all others. He is responsible for the great war between the giants and men, as well as for creating the dark elves and the dreaded Aardonyx lizard men. After his brother’s corporeal form had been finished, Kor sent his coiled tendrils of malice into the world and created a grudge between Rosan and Ghror. The two brothers grew to resent each other and began to fight in the high heavens. Thus began the war between the humans and giants for whom the two gods gave patronage. Vaeldrin would not know peace for ages to come. Kor had his nephews in the palm of his hand, and he took them. They are now forced to fight each other in Kor’s realm until the Prophecy of the Marks is fulfilled by one man and one giant. The capture of his nephews was not enough, for Kor wished to leave his own marks on his brothers already scarred world. Kor began breeding his demons with captured humans which allowed them to take physical form. Thus, Kor tossed his new creations, the Aardonyx swarms into the world. Their mindless onslaught would terrorize the mortal races of Vaeldrin for a long time. He also sought to corrupt the human race to create a race of his own. He began imbuing humans with dark magic and eventually they became the Morrivar, or dark elves. The Dark Elves themselves, are not evil, but the magic they practice, and the lord they serve are.

Vaeldrin's Mark - Vaeldric Pantheon - Lore Spotlight - Ghror, The Artificer

Ghror, The Artificer
  • god of crafting, warfare, and strength
  • brother to Rosan and son of Vaeldrin
  • patron to the dwarves, giants, and all who create things
The great smith and architect, Ghror was responsible for shaping the mountains, and fleshing out the deep places of the world. When it came time to fill Vaeldrin with life, he opted to create both the dwarves and giants in his image. They both share his burly builds, and full beards, as well as the aptitude for fighting and crafting. The builders of the giants are surpassed by none and the giant’s berserker warriors can find no match worthy of their time. The dwarves share the aptitude for battle and strength as their giant counterparts, albeit with reduced size. However, Ghror gave the dwarves an intellect that rivals Rosan’s humans, and they have always possessed the knowledge of creating great machines and weapons the like of which rivals the gods themselves. Some would say Ghror poured the most into creating Vaeldrin.

Vaeldrin's Mark - Vaeldric Pantheon - Lore Spotlight - Rosan, The Scholar

Rosan, The Scholar
  • god of knowledge, magic, and wisdom
  • brother to Ghror and son of Vaeldrin
  • Patron to mankind, and all who study magic and seek knowledge
Created for the sole purpose of creation in his father’s stead, Rosan became a powerful mage for he created magic in all it’s good forms, with the exception of Kor’s demonic magics. He is said to know everything there is to know for he is the god of knowledge and wisdom. As he created Vaeldrin alongside Ghror, he shaped the race of man in his image. He gave them the abilities in magic, architecture, and intelligence that he possessed. The most civilized of the gods created the most civilized culture on Vaeldrin.

Vaeldrin's Mark - Vaeldric Pantheon - Lore Spotlight - Vaeldrin, The Protector

Vaeldrin, The Protector
  • god of light and justice
  • brother to Kor, and father of Ghror and Rosan
  • Patron to all races, and the high king of the gods in the eternal realms of
Vaeldrin was the very first being in the universe alongside his brother Kor. He longed to be able to take a corporeal form in the physical plane. But he and Kor were incapable or creating things, and neither were their eternal servants, known as angels and demons. What they were capable of doing however, was manifesting his personality and shaping beings out of his endless traits essentially splitting himself. He created Rosan and Ghror who were capable of creation. The two brothers created the planet of Vaeldrin, named for their father and intended to become his physical form. Vaeldrin melded with the planet, and now he are one and the same. After his brother destroyed the once pure world, Vaeldrin, in his grief, wrote the Prophecy of the Marked Ones. This script reads that a man and a giant will be given Vaeldrin’s seal or mark on their arms, signifying that they are to end the war and defeat Kor and all the evil he has wrought on the world. Vaeldrin then rose the city of Balion on the southern shores of the continent Malarth. Balion was then filled with angels, the eternal servants of Vaeldrin who donned the forms of humans. They would watch for the Marked Ones, and when the time arrived, help them make things right.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Vaeldrin Pantheon

Vaeldrin, The Protector
- god of light and justice
- brother to Kor, and father of Ghror and Rosan

Rosan, The Scholar
- god of knowledge, magic, and wisdom
- brother to Ghror and son of Vaeldrin

Ghror, The Artificer
- god of crafting, warfare, and strength
- brother to Rosan and son of Vaeldrin

Kor, The Lord of Shadow
- god of darkness, and malice
- goes by many names: The Faceless One, The Lord of Shadow, The Dark Lord, The Eater of Dreams, and The Soul Devourer
- brother to Vaeldrin and uncle to Vaeldrin's sons

I found these pictures on the internet and I used them because I can't draw. They pretty adequately show what these deities look like and all thanks goes to the respective artists. I'm constantly thinking of new ideas for gods so more should come as the story drags on.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark: The War in the North - Ambitions of Kor

"Faceless, wordless, formless. All of these and none of these describe me. I am Kor, The Faceless One, The Eater of Dreams, The Soul Devourer, The Lord of Shadow. I am the beginning and the end for I weave mortal's passing lives at the behest of my brother, Vaeldrin. He thinks himself so pure and just, bearing the mortal races on his plane of existence that his offspring made for him. Ghror and Rosann, the gods of strength and wisdom. They are merely fools, young and naive possessing no concept of true darkness. For that is how their father made them, pure and untainted. My dear brother thinks to hide it from them? To protect them from their dear old uncle? HA HA HA! Vaeldrin thinks too highly of me to think that I would not attempt to meddle in his affairs. He does not know me. I will tear his wretched kingdoms apart, I will turn his sons on each other, and my malice will embed itself in all things he holds dear. The realms of Kor and Vaeldrin will become one, and it is no secret as to which will be dominant. For I am Kor, the Dark Lord of Nightmares, and I will devour all of existence in time..." - Kor, The Dark Lord during the Precursor Age

From the words of the Dark Lord himself
*NOTE* read that laugh in an evil voice so I don't sound cheesy.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Surpassed Love

                I was just a simple man. Born without the ability to hear will do that to a person sometimes. Being deaf does not diminish the appreciation of art. Painting is in my blood, and the visual arts made up for my broken ears. In my own mind I could hear. I could hear the strokes of my brush, the cries of the colours, the sounds of waterfalls and mountains, clouds and canyons. I brought them to life on the canvas and they created orchestral wonders one could not hope to find elsewhere.
               When I met her, she changed my views on song and melody. It was meant to be for she was a blind musician. How quaint, a deaf painter and a blind musician brought together by fate. We could not physically appreciate each other's art, and yet that is what bound us tightly together. During the long winter eves when the night was dark and the snow was white as can be, I would sit in the main hall and watch her play the harp. The masterful work of her fingers on the instrument brought tears to my eyes. Tears of not only sadness at not hearing her music, but joy at watching something so beautiful take place. Within the depths of Spring, when the blossoms grew, and the sun showed it's face, she would often sit beside me as I painted, resting her golden head of hair on my shoulder, listening to my paint strokes as I described the image I created. I heard with my eyes and she saw with her ears. The images and sounds created in our minds were enough to provoke an everlasting bond together.
                 This is why we loved so strongly and so deeply. Together we had surpassed the physical realm of love, It does not require the corporeal to function, for beauty can be found elsewhere. True beauty is found in the spirit. All it takes is a little bit of imagination.

Monday 11 August 2014

Witch of the White Wood

We had all heard the tales. Stories of a woman who lived alone in the forest just outside the village. We had grown up believing that if we misbehaved or refused to go to sleep at bedtime, she would find us and cook us for her supper. Because of them, I had always behaved like a good little angel. Now, as an adult, I wanted to uncover the truth. I went to the lord of the township and requisitioned an expedition into the woods. My childhood friends and I made up a force of warriors, probably the most highly respected archers, warriors, and knights in the land. We would uncover the truth about the Witch of the White Woods. Now, as we trekked through the snow and gazed out beyond the surrounding trees, we grew uncertain as to the existence of the witch or any other mythical being in these enchanted woods. Still, these woods were indeed evil. A sleepless malice lay over them, brooding in cold contempt, residing in shadows as black as night. We would find her, or something else. It was our third day of hiking when we found her. A woman garbed in grey rags, hood over a gnarled face. The hag clutched a staff made of root and a white owl perched upon her shoulder. She let out a cackle that pierced our ears as if she meant to pluck our very sanity out from our ears. She then turned and fled. We charged after her, letting arrows fly, and shouting profanities in her direction. She continued to cackle and with stunning speed, raced on ahead of us. I yelled to halt our party for we had lost her. We regrouped but much to our chagrin, less than half of the original group was here at the rally point. We looked for what seemed like ages but found no sign of them. Fear crept into our hearts and stalked our bravery like predator and prey. We were forced to make for home. We walked back seemingly for weeks never seeming to gain any ground. I stopped to look at my weary companions. We had lost more of us without knowing. Something was happening but I could not place it. The witch was toying with us, taking us in the night in her home territory. days passed by and now I am the sole remaining member. I now write this entry to anyone who finds it. There is a true danger in this forest, and it is the Witch of the White Wood.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Wednesday 6 August 2014

One Door

The Day the Dragon Came

The day the dragon came

bloodless fountain
full of tears
fall of mountain
full of fears

Durin's people
Laid to rest
So much evil
Dragon's chest

That black arrow pierced
Beast brought low
Archer fierce
Dragon in tow

Mountain King
Crowned in Erebor
Evil ring
Rotten in make and core

I don't know, felt like writing a poem about the battle with Smaug at Esgaroth from The Hobbit.

Sunday 3 August 2014

I Am Sentient

I am old now. Older than most beings on this planet. The things I've seen and the events I've weathered would be too much for lesser lifeforms to bear. We were there at the dawn of the world and we will be there at its end for we are as much a part of the world as the very dirt and soil and rock that makes up its form. I've watched from afar the human race grow and come to prosper and I have rejoiced in their success for they have done much good for this planet. But they have also done great harm... They have carelessly destroyed entire forests, killed off entire species, and drained Earth's resources. I have grown to hate them, and my passion for their demise has corrupted my roots. They no longer soak up moisture but anger and spite instead. I was once a magnificent oak with a golden core, as beautiful as a midsummer's eve. Now I am shriveled and deprived of life. I am but a skeleton of what I once was and now I wait for the humans to clear my beautiful woods as they have all of the rest. But no, I cannot let that happen. I will not let that happen. It is time for a reckoning, a retribution the forests of the world have never known. We shall cut down human after human like weeds to be pulled, and create structures out of their crushed and scattered corpses as they have done with us for ages. Earth will once again find it's primal beauty without the taint of mankind. We will take Earth back for we are tired and weary of watching them tear it asunder. For we have been waiting for a chance. Trees are very much intelligent. I am sentient, and they do not know it, but I will be their end.

This was inspired by a post on Reddit in which trees are really sentient organisms.

Saturday 2 August 2014

The Deathless

I've always heard stories about the one they call The Deathless. A being without the fear of dying. Everything that makes us human wrapped up inside a body that would never feel the touch of decay. No one understood it... not even himself. The tales that crossed my ear were tales of how he squandered his ability as a mercenary, offering his services to the highest bidder. Of course he was the best at what he did, he couldn't be killed. He was a stone-cold killer and was often hired by the crime kingpins and warlords of the wastes. In time his name was lost and he disappeared from recorded memory. Now he was just a legend, talked about in hushed tones by the wastelanders who found their way into the bar. How do I know all of this? I'm a dishwasher in the Waste's Bite Bar and Inn and I have plenty of time to overhear stories, especially of the Deathless. Those were my favourite. There came a day that completely changed my life and would change the course of history as we knew it. It was early morning, and rain clouds were rolling in, a rare sight to behold in the Wasteland. The bar was pretty busy as I was washing the counter. Then, in walked in a stranger I had never seen before. Most of these wastelanders made passes at the bar as their caravans made their way through, but this man I had never seen prior. He wore a cowboy hat with dark aviator sunglasses with his face shrouded by a bandanna painted with the lower half of a skull. He wore a beige trench coat over a buttoned shirt and scarf. High topped leather boots on his feet, and leather gloves with small iron studs on the knuckles. He approached the bar and without taking his glasses off, sat down. This surprised me as it was quite dim in the bar. He asked if a boy by the name of Isaac Howard resided here. That was my name... I grew nervous, hesitated, and swallowed hard. The man was obviously a bounty hunter, but who could possibly want me dead? "That.. that's me, sir," I answered. The room grew silent and the men in the room focused their gazes on us. The man stood up, removed his glasses and face mask to reveal a smug grin, and pale white eyes as the result of scars slashed through them. He was a gleefully unsettling sight. He'd be a handsome guy had he not been so mangled. My nerves grew evermore sensitive. This guy was packing heat: a 10-gauge shotgun, a AR-25 assault rifle, and dual custom-made eagle handguns. He drew the handguns with lightning quickness and pointed them right at me. I've searched for you for a long time, Isaac. Many of the wastelanders stood up but didn't want to get in this guys way for fear of their lives. I understood that conflict. I was petrified. "Anything you feel like uttering before I take your life, Howard?" I shook my head and prepared to die. The shots were fired and I closed my eyes. Wait, I was still alive? The bullets had been deflected off of my body. The bounty hunter blew the smoke from his guns, and holstered them. "Hehe, just as I thought." He remarked. I was shocked and confused as to what had just happened. "Wha... What just happened?" I managed to get out. "Mr. Howard, you'll be coming with me, there's someone who wants to meet you." "Wait! Why?! What's going on?" "Well Mr. Howard, you're quite the unique individual." "What do you mean?" I asked, completely terrified for my fate. He smiled again. "You, my dear boy, are The Deathless. I couldn't kill you, even if I wanted to... You can never die."