Sunday 3 August 2014

I Am Sentient

I am old now. Older than most beings on this planet. The things I've seen and the events I've weathered would be too much for lesser lifeforms to bear. We were there at the dawn of the world and we will be there at its end for we are as much a part of the world as the very dirt and soil and rock that makes up its form. I've watched from afar the human race grow and come to prosper and I have rejoiced in their success for they have done much good for this planet. But they have also done great harm... They have carelessly destroyed entire forests, killed off entire species, and drained Earth's resources. I have grown to hate them, and my passion for their demise has corrupted my roots. They no longer soak up moisture but anger and spite instead. I was once a magnificent oak with a golden core, as beautiful as a midsummer's eve. Now I am shriveled and deprived of life. I am but a skeleton of what I once was and now I wait for the humans to clear my beautiful woods as they have all of the rest. But no, I cannot let that happen. I will not let that happen. It is time for a reckoning, a retribution the forests of the world have never known. We shall cut down human after human like weeds to be pulled, and create structures out of their crushed and scattered corpses as they have done with us for ages. Earth will once again find it's primal beauty without the taint of mankind. We will take Earth back for we are tired and weary of watching them tear it asunder. For we have been waiting for a chance. Trees are very much intelligent. I am sentient, and they do not know it, but I will be their end.

This was inspired by a post on Reddit in which trees are really sentient organisms.

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