It had all come down to this. After all we had been through, Chuck had succumbed to whatever damned affliction was affecting these parts. What was left of Chuck had run rampant across these here plains and burned the grasses to a crisp. Seeing my brother in this state was killing me. I had to put him out of his misery or run the risk of letting him spread the disease to me. "Bill, help me, please!" Chuck shrieked as his clothes were being reduced to ash and his skin cracked and crumbled like bread. "You have to be put down, Chuck, I'm sorry," I replied, fighting back the tears. "After all we've been through, you're going to put me out like this," Chuck yelled in exhausted rage. "You won't do this, Bill. I will kill you!" He drew his pistol and charged me, bones snapping and limbs breaking with each movement. "I'm sorry," I whispered. And with that, a bullet was lodged in Bill's broken head. My name is Bill Daniels, and this was only the beginning to the pandemic known as the skintaker.

Might go somewhere with this, who knows. I know I say that a lot but I kind of like this idea, like a red dead redemption zombie type deal. Keep you posted, Conner out!