Wednesday 29 October 2014

Vaeldrin's Mark Lore - Argunheim, Capital City of the Northern Giants

The glorious capital city of the northern giants sits atop the largest hill in the Bromon Tundra. To the south are the great snow-covered fields of the tundra, and to the north are the glacial mountains and caves known as the Northern Wastes. In the year 846 of the Dawn Age, the roaming clans of the northern giants realized that fighting the human tribes of the south would never prove fruitful unless they fought together. Victory through unity was necessary. This would become a proverb to the giants of later ages. In a meeting of the various clans atop Argun, the highest point in the Bromon Tundra, the giants discussed various deals and formed alliances with one another. A trade hub and military fortress was agreed to be built by all clans. Upon the very point of this meeting was Argunheim built; The home of Argun. The capital city grew into a prosperous centre of giant society. They built up a united military force for their war with the humans and to fend off the dark elf raids that became the norm. As time went on, Argunheim and the giants grew more warlike and brutal, a far cry from the shamanistic society they once were. Clan Orken, once the spiritual leaders of the giants were pushed aside and replaced by the Berserkers as second to the high king. Their concerns were brought to High King Tormund. Tormund informed them that their world was changing and they were no longer relevant the the people. The shamans of Orken chose exile rather than be a part of the society of blood that was being shaped. They fled to the dry and barren continent that would later be called Orkenen, after Clan Orken. With all notions of peace driven out of Argunheim, the city became a glimmering beacon of war in the north, and the centre of the most vicious and brutal people in the world, the giants.

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