Sunday 27 April 2014

Daily Freewrite - My Dream

So I had this incredibly terrifying dream last night and I am now going to attempt to adapt it into a story

Do you really want to know what happened last week? Heh, I really don't think you do. My brother is gone! Where? I have absolutely no damn idea! Now, what if I told you that ghosts and ghouls exist? Would you believe me? Well, there is something of that nature at the school that has always lurked in the darkness. Whether you're superstitious or not, I know I'm not, it's there. My brothers disappearance proves it. How this thing came to be at our little Christian school is beyond me. Wow, you still really want to know eh? Well fine, I'll tell ya. A couple of my buddies and I decided to go and fool around at the school last Friday. My brother tagged along. It was about 1:00am when we got there. We drove through the parking lot into the main courtyard of the school ground. The lights had been turned off for the weekend and the faculty had long since left. Something about the school gave me a sick feeling. There seemed to be a grotesque silence as we got out of the car and began walking around. I use the word grotesque because it was a silence that I'd never heard before. It put me in such a mood as I had never been in: one of no hope. Yea that's it, it was a silence that permeated my skin with a sense of no future, an end to all I had known. These negative feelings also made me think someone or something was watching us. But I shrugged it off and passed it as paranoia from my excessive consumption of horror movie viewing. I ignored my "paranoia" and began to walk around the grounds to see what we could see in the late hours of night. We laughed and joked about how creepy it was, all trying to ignore the same feelings of darkness we all felt. After awhile of looking around, we headed back to the car to just hangout. We all felt unnerved but didn't want to admit it. 20 minutes or so passed and we spent it just talking about school and graduation and such, when all of a sudden my brother said "did you guys hear that? Wow, that's beautiful." We all burst out laughing at how ridiculous my brother was looking and acting. Thinking about it now, the petrified look on his face will haunt me for the rest of my life, but I thought nothing of it at the time. "It's coming from over there." He said while pointing towards the schools playground. He began to meander towards the playground and was starting to freak me out. My friends obviously felt the same way. "Dude, what's wrong with you?" we all said. As my brother Jake neared the playground, a figure stepped out from around the corner of a portable. I couldn't make out who it was, it was too dark. Now I realize, it wasn't too dark, the man had no face. I became indescribably nervous as jake stopped a metre away from the figure. The thing touched my brothers shoulder and he collapsed. The thing stared down at his crumpled body, and if it had a face, it looked hungry. "Jake!" I yelled as I made a move to help my brother. The creature cracked its neck up to stare at me. I now saw that it had two eyes, two soulless, devilish, psychopathic eyes. It began walking towards us at a very fast pace. It opened a previously non-existent mouth to reveal a widened maw of yellowish teeth, and let out a hellish screech. We had to leave. Yelling in raw terror, me and my friends piled into the car and sped off, the thing following behind. We raced down the school driveway and I looked back to see the thing standing, at the top of the hill, waving goodbye. We returned the next morning to see no sign of Jake. What he heard and what that creature has done to him I might never know. But I do know this, I won't rest until I see that thing destroyed. Well you wanted to know, so there you have it. That's what I did last Friday.

pretty terrifying dream, to anyone who read this, let me know if it instilled fear inside you. I hope it did lol


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