Wednesday 12 March 2014

Daily Freewrite - The Federation - March 12, 2014

Their decisions led to their fall, not our actions. The Eldarin had long watched Earth. They had watched us grow from fire-building neanderthals to a technologically advanced species. They saw the potential and ambitious fire in our eyes and they respected it. They too were there when we destroyed ourselves... 50 years before we forced their hand, we began committing unspeakable atrocities, creating weapons of mass slaughter, and decimating our own cities and people. Earth fought a 30 year long war that left the world scarred and deformed. Man would have been gone within a century had the Eldarin not come. 200 years ago by Earth's calendar, they arrived. When the race of long-necked, extraterrestrial life forms that held extraordinary power set foot on our world, it was a glorious day for man. They contacted our leaders with an offer that we could not refuse. They extended an invitation to join them and their Federation. The Eldarin Federation stood as a beacon of hope in the universe, providing support to over fifty planets across the galaxy, as well as their own seats in the government. They were striving to ensure our survival and to include us in the inner workings of the universe. The majority of us were shipped off world to the Eldarin home world of Galdriss Prime. Here we have stayed, we have learned, and we have served. Mankind has fought with the Federation, bled for the Federation, and died for the Federation and still all other races think us children. We have been nursing old wounds, sharpening old hatreds, and rebuilding Earth's once mighty power. Earth may be gone, but it will be reborn in the fires of revolution. I, Senator Brom, leader of the New United Earth, will do what is necessary to protect humanity's interests. Galdriss will fall, the Eldarin will parish, and humans will sit on the throne of a new galactic empire. I now watch as humanity cuts swathes through the Federation and usurps those we once called our allies. Ironic, the very ambition and courage that the Eldarin admired about us would be their downfall.


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